A few weeks back, we blogged about sugars - and we included information on high fructose corn syrup, commonly known as HFCS.  Recently, a new study out of Princeton University was released which suggests that rats that consumed large amounts of HFCS became obese.  And in some circles, this has been translated into "more evidence" that HFCS is the cause of obesity in humans.  This is simply not the case.  As we've written before, there is nothing unique about HFCS.  And importantly, rats are not people.  In fact, in a Washington Post blog, one of the authors of the study, Bart Hoebel, stated, "The results do not apply directly to humans, but strongly suggest the need for more experiments along these lines."  While Washington Post columnist and blogger Jennifer LaRue Huget interviewed Hoebel to get a better understanding of his research, she shared a few words in her blog that we thought were worth sharing with Sip & Savor readers:

The bottom line: Drinks sweetened by sugar or HFCS contain calories, and consuming too many calories can make you fat.

Lab rats don't get to choose what they eat and drink. But people do.