Earlier today at the Weight of the Nation conference in Washington, D.C., the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academies issued its latest report on accelerating progress in reducing obesity. The recommendations were many - and, for the most part, focused on the need for everyone to work together. But there was one item that has received some extra attention - the overly simplistic and ineffective approach of taxing sugar-sweetened beverages.

We know you've read a lot on this topic if you frequent Sip & Savor.  But we wanted to take the opportunity to remind you once again that taxes are not the answer. That's supported by scientific and economic studies. Never mind that people just don't support soda taxes . We hope you will take a few minutes to read our full response to the IOM report to learn not only why taxes won't work, but to find out more about what the beverage industry is already doing to be part of meaningful solutions to obesity.