School's out for summer vacation! And while parents may enjoy a break from their jobs to spend a little extra quality time with the kids, summer vacation also means finding ways to entertain ourselves during that time. Let's face it, constant summertime reruns make watching T.V. a bit of a drag. And while texting our BFF at all hours of the day may sound awesome, sometimes our thumbs simply need a rest. So instead of sitting on the couch, get outdoors, enjoy the sunshine and get moving!

As an industry, we believe that regular physical activity, along with maintaining a well-balanced diet, is one of the best ways to ensure a long, healthy life. In July, Americans celebrate National Park and Recreation month. So let's use this month to experience the many fun, unique ways to get some outdoor activity and exercise during the summer!

Our nation's parks offer all sorts of opportunities for anyone with the desire to get active. Aside from playgrounds, softball and baseball diamonds, and basketball courts, parks have much more to offer these days. Many cities have swimming pools which are open to the public. Some may even offer swimming lessons or swim team practice for kids! Going to the pool is a wonderful way to beat the summer heat while spending time with friends and family. In addition, many parks nowadays have trails for hiking or bicycling, which also make for a fun way to spend an afternoon- or a weekend, as long as you don't mind sleeping in a tent! Some parks even offer skate parks!

If your local park doesn't seem as thrilling as it used to, take a road trip to one of our country's fantastic national parks. These parks provide unbeatable locations for hiking, camping, climbing and fishing, along with sightseeing, of course. Why not pack up the mini-van and head to California's Yosemite National Park and walk amongst the giant sequoias? Or follow Lewis and Clark's trail to Yellowstone National Park. Go see Yellowstone Caldera, considered to be the largest super-volcano on the planet, or the famous Old Faithful geyser, which will make your garden hose look like a leaky faucet! If you prefer the east coast, you could hike the Appalachian Trail.

No matter which park suits your fancy, take some time to celebrate National Park and Recreation month with your family and friends! Just don't forget to pack a cooler.