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With the recent heightened focus on caffeine in the food supply, it is important to keep some important facts about caffeine in mind.

Caffeine is one of the most studied ingredients in the food supply and is safely consumed around the world every day in a variety of foods and beverages. Despite the hype, recent government data actually shows that caffeine intake has remained stable among the U.S. population over the last decade. According to NHANES data, consumption trends did not change from 2001-2010, and among children, consumption has decreased.

Importantly, knowing how much caffeine is in your favorite beverages - such as coffee, tea and energy drinks - is helpful in making an informed choice, particularly for people sensitive to caffeine. The Mayo Clinic breaks down the caffeine in popular foods, beverages and medications on their website. And for those who are sensitive to caffeine, it is important to take the advice of your health professional.